my All : Him

mY All : Him
The woNderful pEople who pickEd up mY piEces and Glued it bAck wiTh tEnder loVing-cAre,pAtieNce and uNconDitionaL lovE,,.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

biscuiTs muNcHy's cOokies diAries..

bismiLLahirRahmaniRrahim...huh!!!thE moSt tiriNg wEek..this weEk are the mosT tirinG weEk that I evEr hAd,,.ahaha,,.mulE2..tEst ulum hAdis..lepas 2..tEst prObabiliTy n Satistic..lepAs 2..tEst algEbra n calculus pLak,,.huh!!minGgu ny jEw da 3 mId sEm tEst nk kNe wt,,n nk wt bAckgrOund reseArch 4 assiGnmEnt ag..,,xpAsal2 da t'jAdi orG yG wOrkahoLic goNe ovErbOard pLak,,..riLex mAz..lifE not AlwAys likE a bEd of rOses witH tHorns..papE powN,,by hOok or by crOok,i hAve 2 do thAt 4 my sHiny fuTure.,,.n fOr da huGe progrAmme 4 tHis wEek are..,,oUr Jaulah To TerenggAnu..hehEe,,.tHis is tHe bEz dAmn tHing thAt i caN't wAit...haha,,.tak sAbar rseNyer nk jaLan-jaLan cAri makAn tambAh ilmu,,.haha.,xsBar rsenyEr nk tgOk Mother nAture in acTion at tEpi laOt,,.yadA yaDa.p rsEnyer tiMe g jAulah t nk bwk Al-Quran la cOz nk m'hAfaz surAh an-Nuh n surAh al-Jin..,lAw x,,.siA2 jEw g jaLan2 tp kEje xsiAp..,,dah la esOk 2 ade kLas KKQ(Kelas Kemahiran Al-Quran).ny lAw xhAfaz maUnyer kNe lipAt ngn uStaz Mahyuddin,,.(tp ust.Mahyuddin xmCm2 powN,,.dyE 2 lemAh lmbUt orgnyEr)..,hehEe..,emM..,kTe b'bLik kpD cRite td,,.yG byk2 kejE ny,,.haha.,,.p Alhamdulillah sEmester 1 ari 2,,.dpT jugA tAmatkan dengAn finAl exAm yG kPutusan dyE kuranG memUaskan la juga,,.haha,,.tp xpEw,,.jgN jdkAn suAtu masAlah 2 sbAgai 1 p'hAlang uNtuk kTe b'jayA,,.dEpeNds on hOw u tAke it la..,Emm..,td pLak,,.kLas BI dimAnsuhkan,,ahaha,,.alAngkah bAhagia lAw dMansuhkan,,.xdEw la,,.bKan dmAnsuhkan,,.tp dtAngguhkan jEw,,.myBe bEz mYbe xbEz,,.yG bEz nyEr xdEw kLas,,.n bLh rIlex2..,,yG xbEz nyEr t kNe gAnti kLas,,.ish,,.xmAu ar byk2 tAngguh kLas ny,,.t cUty powN kNe tanGGuh bahAna kNe gAnti kLas la 2,,.haha,,.,emM,,.papE powN,,.gOGogo!!!!chAiyyyoook2 mAz!!bAsha!!!insyaAllah,,.hehEe,,.~~


Najla said...

xnk g jaulah...huh!!!

mazNi mAz said...

alhamDuliLLah,,.sLamat pEgi n sLamat bLik,,.hahah,,.~~


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